(I’m sitting at the customer service desk when I notice a lady dump a load of items on top of a load of display boxes. She disappears off into the shop again and after a few minutes comes up and dumps more stuff on the boxes. The next time she comes back I go over to her with a trolley.)
Me: “Hi there! Thought you could use a trolley!”
Lady: “Oh, thank you! That’s a big help.”
(The lady proceeds to put all her items into the trolley before wandering off into the shop for more things she needs, leaving her trolley full of shopping behind her. A few minutes later she comes back, this time struggling to carry three 10-litre buckets of paint. My manager comes out onto the floor and notices her.)
Manager: “You’ll put your back out carrying those! Let me get you a trolley.”
Lady: “Oh, I’m fine thanks. I already have one here.” *gesturing at the paint that she put on the trolley* “Man, I wish there was an easier way to carry these things about.”
(The lady walks off into the shop again. My manager turns around and looks at me confused.)
Me: “I don’t think she understands how trolleys work.”
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